Please help me getting the previous dates in angular 4.
currentdate: Date;
this.currentdate = new Date();
I am not sure if the year -1
thing is always valid since February 29th issue. I think more accurate way is that
let aDate = new Date();
aDate.setDate(aDate.getDate() - numberOfDaysBefore);
replace 365 with number of days you want. Thank you!
Try this
let dte = new Date();
dte.setDate(dte.getDate() - 2);
The accepted answer is correct for javascript, this works in Angular:
export class MyClass implements OnInit {
// This gives you todays date.
private dateToday: Date = new Date();
// This also gives you todays date if you don't alter it on init.
private dateYesterday: Date = new Date();
constructor() { }
ngOnInit() {
// Alters the date
this.dateYesterday = new Date(this.dateYesterday.setDate(this.dateYesterday.getDate() - 1));