Consider the following route:
\"Service\", // Route name
\"service/\", // URL with parameters
new {controller =
Legenden - there is no immediate solution to the problem. You may have run across Jason Young's blog post about the issue, which is very informative. Scott Hanselmann posted a reply to it here, basically stating that he didn't think it was a big deal, and if it is, you can leverage the new IIS7 rewrite module to solve it.
Ultimately though, you might want to look at a solution that was posted by murad on a similar question on StackOverflow: Trailing slash on an ASP.NET MVC route
In your page load event add:
Dim rawUrl As String = HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance.Request.RawUrl
If Not rawUrl.EndsWith("/") Then
HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance.Response.RedirectPermanent(String.Format("~{0}/", rawUrl))
End If