I currently have a maven web project that I am attempting to write integration tests for. For the structure of the project, I\'ve defined test stubs under src/test/j
Use Tomcat 7 plugin with additional classpath directories configuration.
Instead of using the maven antrun plugin, you could instead use the maven resources plugin and configure it like this:
You can do this Configuration in pom.xml file you don't get any errors in pom.xml and adding test classes to our jar or war file.
<execute />
<copy todir="${basedir}/target/classes">
<fileset dir="${basedir}/target/test-classes" includes="**/*" />
You can also do it straightforwardly. This will add both test classes and test resources to the WEB-INF/classes:
<copy todir="${basedir}/target/classes">
<fileset dir="${basedir}/target/test-classes" includes="**/*" />
I also recommend you place it into separate profile like "integration" and also to override the package name in that profile to not be able to confuse normal war without tests packaged in and the testing war.
The full example with profile is here. You may run mvn clean package
to have a war war-it-test.war
without tests included, or you may run mvn clean package -Pintegration
to have a war war-it-test-integration.war
for the war with tests included.
We need to add the below plugin to the pom.xml in order to add the test cases to jar. Thanks to @IvonSopov
<copy todir="${basedir}/target/classes">
<fileset dir="${basedir}/target/test-classes" includes="**/*" />
But after adding this line we got the build succeeded and also able to add the test case classes into the jar.. but the problem is in pom.xml it is showing as error like
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-antrun-plugin:1.8:run (execution:default, phase: process-test-classes)
In order to remove this error we need to include the below plugin as a separate tag within the build tag. (not inside the plugins which we added earlier.)
<execute />
Now we can create the jar which includes the test classes without any errors.
I believe the following configuration for the maven war plugin would do what you want. You copy your test-classes to your WEB-INF/classes folder. You can even filter those resources.
See http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/examples/adding-filtering-webresources.html