what would be an opposite of split()
in awk
Imagine I have array containig characters/integers.
What I\'ve tried:
color =
Here is a way with POSIX Awk:
br = "red,orange,yellow,green,blue"
ch = split(br, de, ",")
print "original: " br
printf "joined: "
for (ec in de) printf ec == ch ? de[ec] "\n" : de[ec] "-"
original: red,orange,yellow,green,blue
joined: red-orange-yellow-green-blue
Knowing that the opposite of split()
is join()
, a mere Google Search gives me this page, which seems to contain the solution : http://www.gnu.org/software/gawk/manual/html_node/Join-Function.html . It joins all the elements of an array together, and returns the corresponding string.
['f','o','o'] => "foo"
Have fun
What you want (in your loop) is string concatenation.
Using GNU awk 4.1
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
@include "join"
split("#FFFF00", a, "")
print join(a, 1, length(a), SUBSEP)
Here's a solution that doesn't rely on gawk or knowing the length of the array and lets you put a separator (space in this case) string between each array element if you like:
color = "#FFFF00"
printf "color original: %s\n", color
split(color, chars, "")
joined = sep = ""
for (i=1; i in chars; i++) {
joined = joined sep chars[i]
sep = " " # populate sep here with whatever string you want between elements
printf "color joined: %s\n", joined
I also cleaned up the incorrect use of printf and the spurious semi-colons.