Here\'s a trivial excerpt from my XSD file
Following the link the Brian Henry gave, I found I could perform binding customization inline in my schema file to do what I wanted. The effect is exactly the same as Brian's solution, but it doesn't require a reference to a reference to com.sun.xml.internal
First, the schema file gets modified somewhat:
<schema xmlns="" targetNamespace="ns"
xmlns:tns="sns" elementFormDefault="qualified"
<element name="document">
<jaxb:class implClass="DocumentEx" />
<attribute name="title" use="required"/>
When the schema gets compiled into Java code, the generated ObjectFactory will refer to DocumentEx
instead of Document
. DocumentEx
is a class I create, which looks like this:
public class DocumentEx extends Document {
public String getStrippedTitle() {
return getTitle().replaceAll("\\s+", "");
(the class I'm extending) is still generated by the schema-to-Java compiler. Now when I unmarshall a document I actually get a DocumentEx object:
JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance("com.example.xml");
Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller();
DocumentEx doc = (DocumentEx)unmarshaller.unmarshal(xmlFile);
There is some (hard-to-parse) documentation for this at Oracle and some helpful examples at O'Reilly.
You could try to update the property name you're seeing in the linked doc. try this instead:
I'd guess that will get you past the PropertyException I figure you're seeing. The most thorough answer here, suggests this is not guaranteed to work, but worth trying since you've come this far. Source code, as far as I looked (not far) appears to support this property.