I have a sign up form which asks only for email and password. When a user signs up, django-allauth creates a username for that user by striping the \"@email\" suffix form th
from allauth.socialaccount.adapter import DefaultSocialAccountAdapter
class CustomSocialAccountAdapter(DefaultSocialAccountAdapter):
def populate_user(self, request, sociallogin, data):
user = super().populate_user(request, sociallogin, data)
user.username = user.email
return user
SOCIALACCOUNT_ADAPTER = "profiles.models.CustomSocialAccountAdapter"
I do exactly what you want to do with a signal on User pre_save.
Your settings look ok, so if you add the following code in somewhere like for example core.models.py
it will work as you need:
@receiver(pre_save, sender=User)
def update_username_from_email(sender, instance, **kwargs):
user_email = instance.email
username = user_email[:30]
n = 1
while User.objects.exclude(pk=instance.pk).filter(username=username).exists():
n += 1
username = user_email[:(29 - len(str(n)))] + '-' + str(n)
instance.username = username
The reason I do it with a signal is that I want that every time User is saved, the username is updated. You could check if the e-mail has changed update the username only in that case.
Then I limit the username to the first 30 characters of email (default max lenght of username is 30 chars):
username = user_email[:30]
You could also change the max lenght of username, but in my case I prefered to use the default lenght.
Since I make this, it could happen that there are repeated usernames. To avoid repeated usernames, in case that the resulting username after limiting it to 30 characters already exists, I put -2, -3... at the end to make the username unique:
n = 1
while User.objects.exclude(pk=instance.pk).filter(username=username).exists():
n += 1
username = user_email[:(29 - len(str(n)))] + '-' + str(n)
instance.username = username
I hope this solution helps you!