This might be repeated question. But I had no luck with previous answers
I just git clone
a laravel project. Now I tried to do php artisan migrate
Another solution which worked is to cache config:
php artisan config:cache
like here
Just remove .env file and put new to replace
I had the same issue. I have cloned the L5.1 project from GIT and i performed
composer install
composer update
and also configured DB details in .env (by default .env is not present so i took the copy of .env.example and renamed as .env). After that if tried to run
php artisan migrate
I got the same exception like as @users4393829 mentioned. I tried follow commands to find and set the database.
php artisan tinker
>>> Config::get('database.connections.mysql.database');
After doing all this things i found that there is no database.php file so i have placed it in the 'config' folder and ran the migration it works. Please make sure that you have any config files is git ignored in your project.
I had the same problem, turns out the .env
that shipped with the framework defaulted the DB_HOST
to localhost
and had DB_PORT set.
Changed the host to the FQDN of the machine and it worked fine. I'm guessingif you're connecting to localhost
it expects a socket and not a port.