I′ve been using node-mongoskin to connect this two. Everything was ok until I queried some \"date\" field which I think should be returned as javascript′s Date
JavaScript code:
collection.insert({"className" : "models.Action",
"title" : "Email",
"description" : "How are you today?",
"creationDate" : new Date("Fry, 4 May 2012 10:30:08 +0200 (CEST)"),
"creator" : dbref },
produced in mongoDB
> db.action.find({"title":"Email"})
{ "className" : "models.Action", "title" : "Email", "description" : "How are you today?", "creationDate" : ISODate("2012-05-04T08:30:08Z"), "creator" : { "$ref" : "person", "$id" : ObjectId("4f995e4824ac8d68f63adf69") }, "_id" : ObjectId("4fa79e2e92c2a19a09000002") }
ISODate is the native way for mongo to store date. I use node-mongodb-native npm module and I store/retrieve javascript Date using new Date() idiom like in your examples. I don't know if it's a recent correction because I started node and Mongo in 2012, but using date was pretty straightforward for me.
It was probably some bug in my code or the mongo driver. Now, the following works just fine:
db.collection.insert({d: new Date()});
Timestamps support described here: http://mongodb.github.com/node-mongodb-native/api-bson-generated/timestamp.html.