I like creating named branches in Mercurial to deal with features that might take a while to code, so when I push I do a hg push -r default
to ensure I\'m only
Are you using Tortoise HG perhaps? Doing a full revert to an explicit branch name will cause Tortoise HG to remember the branch you're working on during subsequent commits. I'm not sure what metadata it gleans this from.
hg up -r {branchname}
hg up -r dev
Since normally you should push changesets in the current branch you are working, I modified the above answer made by ry4an-brase, to push current branch with a notice.
HG=/usr/bin/hg # executable
if echo $* | grep -P -q -- 'push\s*$' ; then
printf "\033[1;31mChanged to: hg push -r .\033[0m\n"
$HG $* -r .
$HG $*
I don't think you can do it with pure mercurial, short of having a clone with only that branch in it (which I was was about to suggest until you said it wasn't your cup of tea). If it's really killing you you can create a tiny wrapper script like:
HG=/full/path/to/hg # executable
if echo $* | grep -P -q -- 'push.*\s-r($|\s)' ; then
$HG $*
$HG $* -r default
name it 'hg' and put it earlier in your path.