I am using react-native-camera to build a barcode scanner for Android and iOS both.
I am able to scan the barcode in iOS but the issue is there is no visual for the
I recommend using React Native Community's React Native Camera. It's quite well maintained and you can simply pass a callback prop to receive the output:
<RNCamera onBarCodeRead={this.handleBarCodeRead}></RNCamera>
Your callback will be invoked when a barcode is detected in the camera's view. From the docs:
Event contains data (the data in the barcode) and type (the type of the barcode detected).
Well it took me all day but I finally found a library that worked. If anyone finds their way here and is looking for a barcode scanner for react native that works on android...I am here to help.
1st if you do not have rnpm get it...it is very helpful!(npm install -g rnpm)(https://github.com/rnpm/rnpm)
then run these commands in your project file:
npm install --save react-native-barcodescanner
rnpm link react-native-barcodescanner
at this point I synced gradle and reran the app from android studios...not sure if it is needed(also sometimes rnpm link forgets a new line character...if you have an error message about the word include it is because this...just find it in your setting.gradle file add a new line before the word include)
now it is ready to use.
import it:
import BarcodeScanner from 'react-native-barcodescanner';
then use it in your render function's return statment:
If you need more info check out that link. I hope this helped someone avoid the torture I endured going through library after old library that did not work.
Happy coding! :)
There is a react-native library for scanning QR codes with Highlighting scanning area with animated scan bar that moves up and down.
You can use isShowScanBar
prop to show scan bar or either disable by passing false
to this prop.
Github Link https://github.com/shifeng1993/react-native-qr-scanner#readme
It's npm is also here https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-qr-scanner
It's props are listed here https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-qr-scanner#qrscanner
Firstly, Install the react-native-camera library as this library is dependent on it.
Just run this command in root directory of your project
npm i react-native-qr-scanner
then run this link
command react-native link react-native-camera && react-native-qr-scanner
Import it using :
import {QRscanner} from 'react-native-qr-scanner';
<QRscanner onRead={this.onRead}
cornerBorderColor ='black'
isRepeatScan = {true}
cornerColor ='black'
hintText="Please Align QRCode"
renderBottomView={this.bottomView} flashMode={this.state.flashMode}
onRead = (res) => {
It works for both Android and iOS
Just found universal code scanner - combines android and ios: https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-barcode-scanner-universal
Tried on Android works just fine.
Expo provides BarCodeScanner component out of the box (preinstalled in managed apps).
It works like a charm, I definitely recommend it.
You can see if BarCodeScanner
works with your bar code, try it in snack: https://snack.expo.io/@documentation/barcodescanner-example
js.coach is a good place to look for react native plugins