I\'d like to iterate through the variables in env printing:
name: ${name} value: ${value}
Simply splitting by line break and iterating does
Here's the solution from #bash.
unset IFS
args=() i=0
for var in $(compgen -e); do
printf -v 'args[i++]' -e%s=%s "$var" "${!var}"
I initially thought the idea was to output, hence printf %q was necessary, but that's not the case when just building an arguments array, so it can be simplified to this:
unset IFS
for var in $(compgen -e); do
args+=( "-e$var=${!var}" )
You can use env -0
to get a null terminated list of name=value
pairs and use a for loop to iterate:
while IFS='=' read -r -d '' n v; do
printf "'%s'='%s'\n" "$n" "$v"
done < <(env -0)
Above script use process substitution, which is a BASH feature. On older shells you can use a pipeline:
env -0 | while IFS='=' read -r -d '' n v; do
printf "'%s'='%s'\n" "$n" "$v"