I am new to cakephp & don\'t know what is the syntax to use LIKE & OR operator in cakephp with mysql.
Can anyone help me? T
Complex find conditions from the manual:
$this->Post->find('first', array (
"Author.name" => "Bob",
"OR" => array (
"Post.title LIKE" => "%magic%",
"Post.created >" => date('Y-m-d', strtotime("-2 weeks"))
if you using where function then use this :-
->where(['Products.category_id'=>1, 'Products.name LIKE' =>'test%'])
you can use: for "like"
$this->Post->find("all",array('condition'=>array('Author LIKE'=>"ad%")));
above query will give You the data from table posts where author name starts with "ad".
for "OR"
$this->Post->find("all",array('condition'=>array("OR"=>array('Author LIKE'=>"ad%",'Post LIKE'=>"bo%"))));
above query will give You the data from table posts where author name starts with "ad" OR Post starts with "bo".