given is an URL like http://localhost:1973/Services.aspx?idProject=10&idService=14
What is the most straightforward way to replace both url-paramet
I have the same problem and i solved it with the following three lines of code that i get from the coments here (like Stephen Oberauer's solution, but less overenginieered):
' INPUT: /MyUrl.aspx?IdCat=5&Page=3
' OUTPUT: /MyUrl.aspx?IdCat=5&Page=4
' Get the URL and breaks each param into Key/value collection:
Dim Col As NameValueCollection = System.Web.HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(Request.RawUrl)
' Changes the param you want in the url, with the value you want
Col.Item("Page") = "4"
' Generates the output string with the result (it also includes the name of the page, not only the params )
Dim ChangedURL As String = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Col.ToString())
This is the solution using VB .NET but the conversion to C# is strightforward.
I have recently released UriBuilderExtended, which is a library that makes editing of query strings on UriBuilder
objects a breeze through extension methods.
You basically just create a UriBuilder
object with your current URL string in the constructor, modify the query through the extension methods, and build the new URL string from the UriBuilder
Quick example:
string myUrl = "";
UriBuilder builder = new UriBuilder(myUrl);
builder.SetQuery("idProject", "12");
builder.SetQuery("idService", "7");
string newUrl = builder.Url.ToString();
URL string is obtained from builder.Uri.ToString()
, not builder.ToString()
as it sometimes renders differently to what you'd expect.
You can get the Library through NuGet.
More examples here.
Comments and wishes are most welcome.