I have a similar issue in that after loading MiniProfiler and MiniProfiler.EnitiyFramework6 I have this issue. MiniProfiler runs fine, but when I add to my Applcation_Start
Turns out that this may be related to versions and ids. If you install MiniProfiler.EntityFramework6 without installing the other packages, nuget will handle the dependencies, but it puts the wrong #s in the web.config here (make sure the version number is correct):
<assemblyIdentity name="MiniProfiler" publicKeyToken="b44f9351044011a3" culture="neutral" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
If you uninstall all the MiniProfiler packages and then install in this order:
It seems to work ok.
For others having similar issues This is how I resolved
Please analyze what version of Entity Framework your application is using PM> Get-Package
and then install MiniProfiler.EF accordingly
Like in my case I installed Install-Package MiniProfiler.EF5