Is there any way to make non editable cell dynamically in jtable ? Whenever user gives input like false, i want to make non editable cell...I have seen in DefaultTableModel
public class MyDefaultTableModel extends DefaultTableModel {
private boolean[][] editable_cells; // 2d array to represent rows and columns
private MyDefaultTableModel(int rows, int cols) { // constructor
super(rows, cols);
this.editable_cells = new boolean[rows][cols];
public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column) { // custom isCellEditable function
return this.editable_cells[row][column];
public void setCellEditable(int row, int col, boolean value) {
this.editable_cells[row][col] = value; // set cell true/false
this.fireTableCellUpdated(row, col);
other class
... stuff
DefaultTableModel myModel = new MyDefaultTableModel(x, y);
... stuff
You can then set the values dynamically by using the myModel variable you have stored and calling the setCellEditable() function on it.. in theory. I have not tested this code but it should work. You may still have to fire some sort of event to trigger the table to notice the changes.
I had similar problems to figure out how to enable/disable editing of a cell dynamically (in my case based on occurences in a database.) I did it like this:
jTableAssignments = new javax.swing.JTable() {
public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int colIndex) {
return editable;
That of course overrides isCellEditable. The only way I could make that work by the way, was to add the declaration to the instantiation of the tabel itself and not the table model.
Then I declared editable as a private boolean that can be set e.g.:
private void jTableAssignmentsMouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {
if(jTableAssignments.getSelectedRow() == 3 & jTableAssignments.getSelectedColumn() == 3) {
editable = true;
else {
editable = false;
And it works quite well.