My goal is simple , I have several webm files need to be concated, but first I need to determine their durations.
It seems webm file are played as streams, so there
Print total seconds:
ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration \
-of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 input.webm
Result example: 221.333000
Adding the -sexagesimal
option, the result will show HH::MM::SS time unit format.
Result example: 0:03:41.333000
I ran into your question while trying to solve mine: Re-encoding vlc-created mpeg2 .ts file results in 20 second file
If you want to find the duration, use something like this:
ffmpeg -probesize 90M -analyzeduration 90M -i my_mpeg2_file.webm
I chose 90M since my file was just over 70mb, choose the appropriate size according to your file.
Not sure why it is not working for others, I have now tested with multiple .webm files, and am having success getting the duration for all of them. If it fails for you, can you please provide a link to the webm file so I can test? In my case, it worked for the following:
I faced the same issue with some files that does not contain the Duration nor Bitrate on it and found the following solution:
1- Repackage the files with: (Note that this won't transcode the files, just will copy them)
ffmpeg -i source.webm -vcodec copy -acodec copy new_source.webm
2- Take the duration from the new copied file:
ffprobe new_source.webm | grep Duration