I have a MapView
with an action bar powered by ActionBarSherlock. The action bar is both split (on \"narrow\" screens) and overlayed / semi-transparent (android
I ran into the same problem. On phone devices in portrait mode the actionbar is split. So menu-items are in the top actionbar and the tabs in a second actionbar (tabbar) below. I just did not find any possible way to determine the height of the actionbar: to see what space is left on the screen before building my screen.
So I did an assumption:
So I distinguish the different screensizes and created a bool resource
<!-- res/values/booleans.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<bool name="is_split_actionbar">false</bool>
<!-- res/values-small-port/booleans.xml
res/values-large-port/booleans.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<bool name="is_split_actionbar">true</bool>
In the code I access the value like this:
Boolean isSplit = getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.is_split_actionbar);
To get the actionbar height in the onCreateView() method:
TypedValue typedVal = new TypedValue();
getActivity().getTheme().resolveAttribute(R.attr.actionBarSize, typedVal, true); // use android.R when not using ABS
int actionBarHeight = getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(typedVal.resourceId);
And double the height if the actionbar is split:
actionBarHeight = actionBarHeight * 2;
It is not an ideal solution, but for me this works.
The bottom bar should match the height of the regular action bar. Thus, using ?android:attr/actionBarSize
(or in ActionBarSherlock's case ?attr/actionBarSize
) for the height in XML or getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.attr.actionBarSize)
in code should suffice.
Er, on a second read of your question it seems more focused on also determining whether or not the split action bar exists.
You may want to read these answers and the follow-up comments by Adam Powell, action bar guru:
If you are using ActionBarSherlock you can look for the boolean value abs__split_action_bar_is_narrow
Just create some static method where you can do
return ResourcesCompat.getResources_getBoolean(context,
you need to use the ResourcesCompat (from actionbarsherlock) class because pre 3.2 cant read folders with metrics (like values-sw480)