I one one modal window with telerik grid inside. But i need to render images in my grid so as i understand i cant use @ twice. Here is blog post about this issue Link
<In previous MVC @helper
was used as a workaround for inability to nest @<text>
But in MVC CORE @helper
is omitted. Read more here:
In these situations the MVC Razor helper function can be used.
Create the helper function with the grid control definition, in this case RenderGrid()
@helper RenderGrid()
.DataKeys(keys => keys.Add(c => c.ID))
.Columns(columns =>
<img src='@item.Url' />
.DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding.Ajax().Select("GetImages", "UserProducts"))
Call the helper function inside the window's content definition. The helper functions can be called multiple times if needed.
.Title("Select an Image")