I have a maven project which until yesterday was being build normally. Now whenever i try to build using m2e it fails to build because it could not resolve dependencies, bu
This usually happens when changing from one maven configuration to another. In my case, I was switching from direct connection to maven central to using nexus as a mirror.
Deleting maven-metadata*.xml
and _*.repositories
inside local \Users\YourUser\.m2
folder did the trick for me.
Hope this helps!
In IntelliJ: -go to File -settings -on search box top left type 'maven'. -click on maven option -see if work offline box is checked. if yes then uncheck it
In Eclipse: -click on the small dropdown arrow on the green Run icon. -click on run configurations and select you maven build config -see if 'offline' box is checked. if yes then uncheck it
If you did this and still getting same issue then I would go with @Faliorn solution
I faced with this problem when tried make install with Intellij IDEA Maven plugin. But when I made install with local Maven installation, problem was gone.
If you have same problem try to install new Maven and run mvn install