I\'m attempting to use the new incremental authorization for an installed app in order to add scopes to an existing authorization while keeping the existing scopes. This is
Google's OAuth 2.0 service does not support incremental auth for installed/native apps; it only works for the web server case. Their documentation is broken.
Try adding a complete list of scopes to the second request, where you exchange authorization code for an access token. Strangely enough, scope
parameter doesn't seem to be documented, but it is present in requests generated by google-api-java-client. For example:
In the web server scenario, a complete list of granted scopes is returned together with authorization code when include_granted_scopes
is set to true. This is another bit of information that seems to be missing from linked documentation.
Edit 1 Including a complete list of scopes in the code exchange request works for us in our Java app, but I have just tried your original script with no modification (except for client id/secret) and it works just fine (edited just the ids and tokens):
$ bash tokens.sh
Please enter a list of scopes (space separated) or CTRL+C to quit:
Please go to:
after accepting, enter the code you are given:
Got an access token of:
Our access token now allows the following scopes:
You can see that the previously granted scopes are included...