I got a string like:
$str = \"CASH55.35inMyPocket\";
I want to get 55.35 only.
I tried:
$str = flo
If you dont want to use regular expressions use filter_var:
$str = "CASH55.35inMyPocket";
var_dump( (float) filter_var( $str, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT, FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_FRACTION ) ); // float(55.35)
What you have cannot be casted to a float, because it doesn't look like a float from PHP's perspective. It is possible to grab the value using regex though.
If you are not sure whether there will always be a decimal. And you are trying to get the number regardless of position in the text (as per your question). You could use:
Which gets the numeric values from the following strings:
Explanation: http://regex101.com/r/tM8eM0
Demo: http://rubular.com/r/Gw5HTzsejj
PHP demo: https://eval.in/165521
Basically it looks for numbers in the string. And optionally it also check for decimals after that.
function extract_numbers($string)
preg_match_all('/([\d]+)/', $string, $match);
return $match[0];
You can try a little Function to extract that value for you before using either floatval
or (float)
Something like:
function myFloats($str) {
if(preg_match("#([0-9\.]+)#", $str, $match)) { // search for number that may contain '.'
return floatval($match[0]);
} else {
return floatval($str); // take some last chances with floatval
then test:
echo myFloats("CASH55.35inMyPocket");
Use a regex:
preg_match('/([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/', 'CASH55.35inMyPocket', $matches);
$number = (float) $matches[1]; // 55.35
I think a preg_replace
could be helpfull here (untested):
$float = preg_replace('/[^0-9\.]/', "", "CASH55.35inMyPocket"); // only show the numbers and dots
You could extend the preg a little more to only get [number].[number], but in this case I think it will work.