The is code works fine by destructuring the object and assigning the variables,
const { allowNegative, decimal, precision, prefix, suffix, thousands } = this
You can do it with the following syntax:
({ prop: this.prop } = obj);
Here I'm using a deep object matching
var obj = { propIwantFromObj: 'foo' };
var { propIwantFromObj: whereToStoreValue } = obj;
On the left part you will say which property you want to get from the object and on the right side you are going to say where to store the value. So in this case a new variable called whereToStoreValue
will be created with foo
var obj = { propIwantFromObj: 'foo' };
var whereToStoreValue = obj.propIwantFromObj;
That can be used to store values on this
(or other object), but you need to wrap it around parenthesis because of the .
. For some reason this hack allows you to use .
If you don't use the parenthesis you will get syntax errors (it won't work in pure JS either).
const CONFIG = {
tabConfig: 1,
searchUiConfig: 2,
gridUiConfig: 3,
class Foo {
bar() {
({ tabConfig: this.tabConfig, searchUiConfig: this.searchUiConfig, gridUiConfig: this.gridUiConfig } = CONFIG);
const foo = new Foo();;