I wrote an R function that updates the version number of a package in another question. I work a lot with GitHub and RStudio, and it would safe me quite some time (plus be m
Well I would use .Rprofile
for that. There is something to be said for being independent of the tool chain around you: knitr works from RStudio as well as without it, dito for Rcpp/RInside etc pp.
You can hook into commit hooks for svn, both explicitly via hooks in the back end, or simply at your by end adding wrapper scripts. I presume you can do likewise with git but I simply know much less about it. So to abstract this away, I would write myself a 'commitThis' or 'pushThis' or ... function that does the number increment, test run, code push and what have you.
You can make a separate .Rprofile
for each project. You have to put it in the main directory of the project (http://www.rstudio.com/ide/docs/using/projects).