How do I check for a decimal point when checking a string is a valid number?
What I am thinking is that I use something like the following, but add code to check for
Here's a simple strategy:
The remaining string should now be either
a) the empty string, or
b) a decimal point followed by all digits.
Well, almost. This would also match the empty string ""
and "."
but we can treat those as special cases.
Translated to Haskell:
isNumber :: String -> Bool
isNumber "" = False
isNumber "." = False
isNumber xs =
case dropWhile isDigit xs of
"" -> True
('.':ys) -> all isDigit ys
_ -> False
A simple approach involves using readMaybe
for converting a string into a number,
import Text.Read
and so for checking whether it is a Double
readMaybe "123" :: Maybe Double
Just 123.0
readMaybe "12a3" :: Maybe Double
The latter returns Nothing
, the string is not a valid number. In a similar fashion, if we assume it is an Int
readMaybe "12.3" :: Maybe Int
Take a look at reads, then:
isNumber :: String -> Bool
isNumber str =
case (reads str) :: [(Double, String)] of
[(_, "")] -> True
_ -> False
Maybe there is a better way, though.
Note that this will return True
for numbers that are considered valid in Haskell, your particular use case is not fully covered by this. If you need custom parsing according to your specification you should use something like Parsec, as @CarstenKönig has suggested in his comment.