I have a Winforms app containing a RichTextBox.
How can I determine how many lines of text are displayed, currently visible?
Reason: I want to scroll th
To display the number of lines that a RichTextBox is capable of displaying, even if there is no text there currently, try:
Dim s As SizeF = TextRenderer.MeasureText("A", rtb.Font, rtb.Size, TextFormatFlags.WordBreak)
Dim letterHeight As Integer = CInt(s.Height)
Dim displayableLines As Integer = rtb.Height / letterHeight
This uses the height of a test letter 'A' in the current font to find the line height in pixels.
Well, this isn't pretty, but it works for me. Basically I'm checking a point just inside the upper-left corner of the richtextbox and a point just inside the lower left corner of the textbox. You may have to adjust the point coordinates depending on how your richtextbox is displayed. Then I get the character index that is closest to each of those two points, and retrieve the line that it is on.
Dim topIndex As Integer = RichTextBox1.GetCharIndexFromPosition(New Point(1, 1))
Dim bottomIndex As Integer = RichTextBox1.GetCharIndexFromPosition(New Point(1, RichTextBox1.Height - 1))
Dim topLine As Integer = RichTextBox1.GetLineFromCharIndex(topIndex)
Dim bottomLine As Integer = RichTextBox1.GetLineFromCharIndex(bottomIndex)
Dim numLinesDisplayed As Integer = bottomLine - topLine
I tested it for richtextboxes with multiple sizes of fonts displayed, and it seems to work. I suspect that the answer that is returned will be off (too small) by one line if the last line of displayed text has a lot of white space under it and the next line is almost ready to be displayed. If you have a very tall richtextbox, with many lines, this shouldn't be a problem.