I\'m new to Android. It seems there have been way too many problems just getting eclipse and the SDK setup with everything just where it should be. I\'ve been working on a
but it's throwing me an error saying "The import android.support cannot be resolved"
Everything in the android.support.*
series of packages comes from the Android Support package (what I think you are calling "rev. 10 support library".
I have three of the newest SDK platform versions installed and have rev.10 support library installed
The Android Support package does not only need to be downloaded to your development machine, but it also needs to be added to your project. If you are using Eclipse, right-click over your project in the Package Explorer and choose Android Tools > Add Support Library to add it to your project. If you are not using Eclipse, find the android-support-v4.jar
file in your SDK installation and copy that to your project's libs/