I\'m trying to write a csv file using python csv writer.
In which one of the column value is enclosed in \"\" [double quotes] e.g. : \'col1\' \'col2\' \"test\", when
Probably you need to play with parameters quoting and escapechar.
For example, modified code
csvReader = csv.reader(iInputFile)
writer = csv.writer(open('one_1.csv', 'wb'), delimiter=',', lineterminator='\r\n', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, escapechar='\\')
for row in csvReader:
rawRow = []
rawRow.append('31-7-2014') #Appending Date
rawRow.append(row[0]) #Appending data
will produce output like that:
As far as I can tell from the accepted answer from @GiovanniPi, is that the default is
quotechar= '"'
Because the expected output already has double quotes, this has to be changed to:
quotechar = "'"
I am not sure what you would do if you needed to have both single and double quotes as quotechar requires a 1-character string
try with this one
f_writ = open('one_4.csv', 'wb')
csvReader = csv.reader(iInputFile)
writer = csv.writer(f_writ, delimiter=',',
quotechar = "'"
for row in csvReader:
also i find very useful this link http://pymotw.com/2/csv/, there are a lot of exemples