xxx\\vc\\atlmfc\\include\\atlcore.h(638): error C2039: “SetDefaultDllDirectories”: is not a member of \"global namespace\"
#ifndef _USING_V110_SDK71_
You have to make sure "_USING_V110_SDK71_" is defined in your project properties. Visual Studio automatically defines this for you. It normally doesn't "show up" because "Inherit from parent or project defaults" is un-ticked.
I've found this common when upgrade from old atl projects that the stdafx.cpp has "Inherit from parent or project defaults" un-ticked for some reason.
You should check both the project settings as well as the individual stdafx.cpp file settings to determine that in the Preprocessor Definitions the "Inherit from parent or project defaults" check box is checked. In some cases the Preprocessor Definitions dialog of the Project file is checked however the Preprocessor Definitions dialog of the specific stdafx.cpp file is NOT checked.