I know there are other similar questions on how to pass data between Angular controllers.
What I wonder is how to deal with this in a view..
Lets say I have
To further specify the answer @GoloRoden gave, this is an example of how you can share state values across all controllers taking the service as a dependency.
App.factory('formState', formState);
function formState() {
var state = {};
var builder = "nope";
var search = "nope";
state.builder = function () {
return builder;
state.search = function () {
return search;
state.set = {
'builder': function (val) {
builder = val;
'search': function (val) {
search = val;
return {
getStateManager: function () {
return state;
App.controller('builderCtrl', builderCtrl);
builderCtrl.$inject = ['formState']
function builderCtrl(formState) {
var stateManager = formState.getStateManager();
function activate() {
console.log("setting val in builder");
stateManager.set.search("yeah, builder!");
console.log("reading search in builder: " + stateManager.search());
console.log("reading builder in builder: " + stateManager.builder());
App.controller('searchCtrl', searchCtrl);
searchCtrl.$inject = ['formState']
function searchCtrl(formState) {
var stateManager = formState.getStateManager();
function activate() {
console.log("setting val in search");
stateManager.set.search("yeah, search!");
console.log("reading search in search: " + stateManager.search());
console.log("reading builder in search: " + stateManager.builder());
Create a service, see Creating Services for details.
Services are - per se - application-wide singletons, hence they are perfect for keeping state across views, controllers & co.:
app.factory('myService', [ function () {
'use strict';
return {
// Your service implementation goes here ...
Once you have written and registered your service, you can require it in your controllers using AngularJS' dependency injection feature:
app.controller('myController', [ 'myService', '$scope',
function (myService, $scope) {
'use strict';
// Your controller implementation goes here ...
Now, inside your controller you have the myService
variable which contains the single instance of the service. There you can have a property isLoggedIn
that represents whether your user is logged in or not.