I\'ve recently discovered that livequery plugin for jQuery may be quite wasteful, as it does not use event delegation but binds all bindable events and re-checks the whole D
It is rare that you would actually need a plugin like livequery
. Probably the only time you really need it is if you need to react to changes to the DOM made by some other jQuery code that you can not modify.
While .live()
does use event delegation, it does it on the document
level, which means that it needs to process all events on the page to see if they match the selectors provided per event type.
A better alternative (IMO) to both of those is the delegate()(docs) method which uses event delegation just like .live()
, but lets you constrain it to a specific portion of the page.
$('#someContainer').delegate('a.someButton', 'click', function() {
// do something when an "a.someButton" inside "#someContainer" is clicked
Note that event delegation methods respond to browser events, not to changes to the DOM. If you need to run some code based on a change to the DOM you've made, you need to run that code when you make that alteration to the DOM.