I\'m using Groovy 1.8.4, trying to get the name of the enclosing function...
def myFunction() {
println functionName??
I\'ve tried
You can get to it via the stacktrace, I've been able to get it via:
groovy:000> def foo() { println Thread.currentThread().stackTrace[10].methodName }
===> true
groovy:000> foo()
groovy:000> class Foo {
groovy:001> def bar() { println Thread.currentThread().stackTrace[10].methodName }
groovy:002> }
===> true
groovy:000> new Foo().bar()
How about groovy's StackTraceUtils.sanitize? Here's a quick example:
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.StackTraceUtils
class A {
def methodX() {
def methodY() {
def methodZ() {
def marker = new Throwable()
StackTraceUtils.sanitize(marker).stackTrace.eachWithIndex { e, i ->
println "> $i ${e.toString().padRight(30)} ${e.methodName}"
new A().methodX()
The output of the above when pasted into a standalone script test.groovy
is as follows:
$ groovy test.groovy
> 0 A.methodZ(test.groovy:13) methodZ
> 1 A.methodY(test.groovy:9) methodY
> 2 A.methodX(test.groovy:5) methodX
> 3 A$methodX.call(Unknown Source) call
> 4 test.run(test.groovy:21) run
the sanitize method filters out all groovy internal mumbo jumbo from the trace and the clean trace together with ...stackTrace.find { }
should give you a decent start.
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.StackTraceUtils
def getCurrentMethodName(){
def marker = new Throwable()
return StackTraceUtils.sanitize(marker).stackTrace[1].methodName
def helloFun(){
println( getCurrentMethodName() )
class LogUtils {
// can be called the Groovy or Java way
public static String getCurrentMethodName(){
StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = StackTraceUtils.sanitize(new Throwable()).stackTrace
stackTrace[2].methodName != 'jlrMethodInvoke' ? stackTrace[2].methodName : stackTrace[3].methodName