I got an array containing path names and file names
[\'css/demo/main.css\', \'home.css\', \'admin/main.css\',\'account\']
I want to create
function mkpath($path)
if(@mkdir($path) or file_exists($path)) return true;
return (mkpath(dirname($path)) and mkdir($path));
This makes paths recursively.
I have just used a simple way to explode the string and rebuild and check if is a file or a directory
public function mkdirRecursive($path) {
$str = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path);
$dir = '';
foreach ($str as $part) {
$dir .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR. $part ;
if (!is_dir($dir) && strlen($dir) > 0 && strpos($dir, ".") == false) {
mkdir($dir , 655);
}elseif(!file_exists($dir) && strpos($dir, ".") !== false){
For each of this paths you'll have to specific whether it is a file or a directory. Or you could make your script assume, that the path is pointing to a file when the basename (the last part of the path) contains a dot.
To create a directory recursively is simple:
mkdir(dirname($path), 0755, true); // $path is a file
mkdir($path, 0755, true); // $path is a directory
is the file permission expression, you can read about it here: http://ch.php.net/manual/en/function.chmod.php