In a world of many
With a$limit
to what one can do,
Life proposes many@options
But at time
my @choices = @options[0..min($#options, $limit-1)];
Short, straightforward, clear.
my @choices = first_x_ele($limit, @options);
If you think something is unclear, use a sub! How you implement the sub isn't very important, but a short one would be:
sub first_x_ele { my $x = shift; splice(@_, 0, $x) }
I'd probably use splice:
my @choices = splice ( @options, 0, $limit );
Note that splice
acts like shift
and modifies the source array - if that's undesirable, then copy it first.
@choices = @options; splice @choices, $limit; # "splice() offset past end" before v5.16
It can also be done in a single statement!
@choices = splice @{[@options]}, 0, $limit;
And also
splice @{$choices_ref=[@options]}, $limit; # Warns "splice() offset past end" before v5.16
splice $choices_ref=[@options], $limit; # Ditto. Requires Perl v5.14. "Experimental"
Of the options you provided I actually like #1 and #4 and have definitely written statements like those before. If those options really bothered me, I might write it this way:
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util qw(min);
use Data::Dumper;
my @options = ('a'..'c');
my $limit = 5;
my @choices = @options[0..min($limit-1, $#options)];
print Dumper \@choices;
# $VAR1 = [
# 'a',
# 'b',
# 'c'
# ];
$limit = 2;
@choices = @options[0..min($limit-1, $#options)];
print Dumper \@choices;
# $VAR1 = [
# 'a',
# 'b'
# ];
but this is largely opinion based and I am sure other people would do it differently.