I need a function which executes an INSERT statement on a database and returns the Auto_Increment primary key. I have the following C# code but, while the INSERT statement w
I think you need to have the Select @@identity with the first create command - try appending it via ";SELECT @@Identity" and .ExecuteScalar the insert statement
Are there any triggers on your table that might be inserting into other tables? Generally we're advised against using @@Identity in favour of IDENT_CURRENT so that you can guarantee that the identity returned is for the table you just inserted into.
You are using Jet (not SQL Server) and Jet can only handle one SQL statement per command, therefore you need to execute SELECT @@IDENTITY
in a separate command, obviously ensuring it uses the same connection as the INSERT
Check your database settings. I had a similar problem a while ago and discovered that the SQL Server connection setting 'no count' was enabled.
In SQL Server Management Studio, you can find this by right-clicking the server in the Object Explorer, select Properties and then navigate to the Connections page. Look at the settings for "Default connection options"
Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 provider supports Jet v3 and Jet v4 database engines, however SELECT @@IDENTITY is not supported for Jet v3.
MSAccess 97 is Jet v3 and does not support SELECT @@IDENTITY; It supported on MSAccess 2000 and above.
I think that @@identity is valid only in the scope of the command - in your case when you execute "statement".
Modify your "statement"so that the stored procedure itself will return the @@IDENTITY value right after the INSERT statement, and read it as the return code of the stored procedure execution.