<%= image_tag(\"/images/users/user_\" + @user_id.to_s + \".png\") %>
How do you check to see if there is such an image, and if not, then disp
You can use File.exist?.
if FileTest.exist?("#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/images/#{img}")
image_check = image_tag("#{img}",options)
image_check = image_tag("products/noimg.gif", options)
The other answers are a little outdated, due to changes in the Rails asset pipeline since Rails 4. The following code works in Rails 4 and 5:
If your file is placed in the public directory, then its existence can be checked with:
# File is stored in ./public/my_folder/picture.jpg
File.file? "#{Rails.public_path}/my_folder/picture.jpg"
However, if the file is placed in the assets directory then checking existence is a little harder, due to asset pre-compilation in production environments. I recommend the following approach:
# File is stored in ./app/assets/images/my_folder/picture.jpg
# The following helper could, for example, be placed in ./app/helpers/
def asset_exists?(path)
if Rails.configuration.assets.compile
Rails.application.precompiled_assets.include? path
asset_exists? 'my_folder/picture.jpg'
You can use File.file? method.
if File.file?("#{Rails.root}/app/assets/images/{image_name}")
You can also use File.exist? method but it will return true if it finds a directory or a file. The method file? is slightly more picky than exist?
For Rails 5 the one that worked for me is
returns nil
if the asset is absent and path_of_the_asset
if present