I have a larger/more complex problem, but for simplicity sake, let us consider the following:
Let us say that I have table in the SQL DataBase calle
You could use Dynamic Linq
for this purpose.
See here Dynamic LINQ (Part 1: Using the LINQ Dynamic Query Library)
Then you can make calls like this:
var query = DBContext.Users.Where( "Age > 3" ).OrderBy( "Name asc" );
Try this out instead:
query.OrderBy(x => x.GetType().GetProperty(“Name”).GetValue(x, null));
You can't just grab the property. You need to grab the value off of that property, hence the call to GetValue
It is not as easy as it seems. The LINQ to SQL engine parses the expression you pass to the OrderBy
method in order to obtain the name of the property you are referencing, then uses this information to compose a plain SQL order by
I guess that maybe it can be done by using reflection, anyway. Maybe you can get something useful from the accepted answer of this SO question.