How do I increase the native FORM submit button size for OSX-Safari?
I want to keep the native look of a FORM
submit button for it\'s r
It’s an edge case, but if you’re trying all sorts of things and just can’t get Safari to make button labels smaller, you might have activated the “Never use font sizes smaller than X” option in Safari’s preferences:
This snagged me yesterday. Just turn it off and Safari will be much more likely to respect your CSS directives.
The "native look" of a pushbutton includes a fixed height by definition
Push Button Specifications
Control sizes: Push buttons are available in regular, small, and mini sizes. The height of a push button is fixed for each size, but you specify the width, depending on the length of the label text you supply. If you don’t specify a wide enough button, the end caps clip the text.
What you want would not be "native" and therefore will necessarily involve the creation of a custom image, or you can always do something like this