SELECT * FROM abc WHERE column1 IN (a1,b1,c1)
I want to use LIKE with this select query; how can I write LIKE statement with IN, similar to the que
If you really want to look for strings starting with a, b or c, you may opt for :
FROM abc
WHERE LEFT(column1, 1) IN ('a', 'b', 'c')
I assume your case is actually more complex, but maybe you can adapt this snippet to your needs...
As the other folks say you can use a list of OR conditions to specify the conditions.
You can also use a temporary table or subquery in the from clause. Here is an example of the subquery in the from clause:
select column1
from abc
, table(
(select 'a%' as term from SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1)
union all
(select 'b%' from SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1)
union all
(select 'c%' from SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1)
) search_list
where abc.column1 like search_list.term;
You can't combine like
with in
. Write it as separate comparisons:
select column1
from abc
where column1 like 'a%' or column1 like 'b%' or column1 like 'c%'
You can't. Write it as:
column1 LIKE 'a%' OR column1 LIKE 'b%' OR column1 LIKE 'c%'