This issue from 2010 hints at what I\'m trying to do.
I\'m working on a unit test which exercises code that requires many mocked objects to do what it needs to do (t
I was able to completely answer my own question.
In this example an address with the Locality of Louisville is generated while the other fields look like "address.getStreet1();".
private Address createAddress(){
Address address = mock(Address.class, new StringAnswer() );
ISOCountry isoCountry = mock(ISOCountry.class);
return address;
private class StringAnswer implements Answer<Object> {
public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
if( invocation.getMethod().getReturnType().equals(String.class)){
return invocation.toString();
return Mockito.RETURNS_DEFAULTS.answer(invocation);