title: \'1\'
author: \"A\"
date: \"April 4, 2017\"
output: html_document
Figure 3 includes the r
Just overwrite the alignment right after the YAML:
title: '1'
author: "A"
date: "April 4, 2017"
output: html_document
body {
text-align: justify}
Figure 3 includes the residual plot and QQ-plot. The residual plot have no obvious pattern: the expect value of residuals is close to 0 and the variances are approximately equal. The QQ-plot shows the standardized residuals are close to the theoretical quantiles. Thus, **the residuals are normally distributed and homoscedastic, and the assumption of the liner model is satisfied**. The VIF values for each variable in the best model is small, indicating **there are no obvious multicolinearity**.
Credits to Guilherme Parreira, here