This may be a bit of an odd question, I can\'t seem to search the right phrase to pull up any relevant answers.
We have an app that runs on clients machines and is m
Found this:
I use uglify which seems to produce the correct mapping that this needs and it looks like it will work for the case I suggested above.
Edit Actually, this one works a lot better and is much simpler to use
Example Usage:
var fs = require('fs');
var smc = require('source-map');
var stack = "TypeError: undefined is not a function\r\nat h/min/min.js?1404839824760:9:23048";
stack = stack.split(/\r\n/g);
var error = stack.shift(); // First line is the actual error
var errors = [];
var file = null;
var _trace = line.split('/').pop();
var trace = {};
trace.filename = _trace.split('?').shift();
_trace = _trace.split(':');
trace.line = parseInt(_trace[1], 10);
trace.column = parseInt(_trace[2], 10);
file = trace.filename.split('.').shift();
trace.filename = __dirname + '/../min/' + trace.filename;
// This does not account for multiple files in stack trace right now
var map = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../src/' + file + '');
map = JSON.parse(map);
var sm = new smc.SourceMapConsumer(map);
I found easy to use to do this automatically. If you are looking to do this interactively, you can use stack-mapper in a web browser with a tool like this one: - just load your .map file, paste the (minified) callstack or single error location and then you can click through the stack and see the original code on the right.
stacktrace.js looks to be another useful tool to achieve this.
Example from their website:
var error = new Error('BOOM!');
=> Promise(Array[StackFrame], Error);