I moved my project to HOST but I can still access .env with address mysite.com/.env and display this file with all variables and secure data. my .env file :
All except the Public folder to move to a higher level, such as a folder laravel - http://prntscr.com/bryvu7
Change file publi_html/index.php line
require __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/autoload.php';
require __DIR__.'/../laravel/bootstrap/autoload.php';
And line
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/app.php';
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../laravel/bootstrap/app.php';
$app->bind('path.public', function() {
return __DIR__;
Change file laravel/server.php line
require_once __DIR__.'/public/index.php';
require_once __DIR__.'/index.php';
I have tried following steps to deploy laravel in the shared hosting.
1 - Edit the /etc/apache2/apache2.conf in Ubuntu OS. Please check appropriate file in other operating systems.
<Directory /var/www/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All # Changed from None to All
Require all granted
Enable mod rewrite sudo a2enmod rewrite
Edit or create .htaccess in the root (Public html folder)
<Files ~ "\.(env|json|config.js|md|xml|gitignore|gitattributes|lock|editorconfig|yml|styleci.yml)$">
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
Options -Indexes
<Files ~ "(artisan|package.json|webpack.mix.js)$">
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
4 - Restart Apache server, sudo service apache2 restart
Note :- First two steps are used only in my own PC.
You are probably looking for how to stop .env files from being served on apache hence read.
do this on the /etc/apache2/apache.conf file - Ubuntu. after this part of that file
<FilesMatch "^\.ht">
Require all denied
add the code below
# Hide a specific file
<Files .env>
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
then restart your apache server with sudo service apache2 restart
and enjoy!
Create .htaccess file in your Root Directory and put following Code.
#Disable index view
options -Indexes
#hide a Specifuc File
<Files .env>
order allow,deny
Deny from all
You should change permission all folder on your app to 741, except bootstrap and storage and public (755).
In my case when was I host my project in shared hosting my .env file was accessible, my folder structure was like this Root |+ App | App | config | Database | Routes | Storage | .env | ... | index.php | .htaccess |+ css |+ js
My .env file was accessible via this website.com/app/.env Solution Put all your public content to a folder name it public and change the root document path in settings [don't forget to change app.php path in index.php file] |+app |+public
bootrap.php file path should be like this /../app/vendor/autload.php & /../app/bootstrap/app.php