I\'m trying to use a regular input type date to use on mobile devices. But the width set in the CSS is overruled by Safari (or webkit).
I can add -webkit-appea
if you want select only input[type='date']
and input[type='time']
try this CSS line.
input[type='date'], input[type='time'] {
-webkit-appearance: none;
-webkit-appearance: none;
does always remove the typical style of a picker... But you can easily add an arrow using CSS and a background-image.
I'm not aware of a way to custom style the input but also keeping the arrow.
I have found that to get 100% width correct as per @Boldizsar answer you need a little CSS calc action to remove the width added by the dropdown arrow on iOS.
-webkit-min-logical-width: calc(100% - 16px);
Add -webkit-min-logical-width: <your desired value>
. It solved the problem for me!