What does it mean \"unrecognized selector sent to instance\"
in Xcode
I think this error is due to calling a function in class which is not declared in the class.
There are several reasons why this can occur:
ONE:The method is declared in the .h, but does not exist in the .m. The compiler does not complain, but during execution you face that crash.Please,Check this out:
TWO:If you are calling a delegated method, check if this method is really implemented.
I use to have this error when I modify the signature, but I forgot to update the signature method on the implementation file .m
I had a similar problem and the issue was my ".m" class containing the unknown selector wasn't in the "Build Phases / Compile Sources" list. I added it and everything was fixed.
It means that you have called a method on an object which does not support that method.
The reason it says 'unrecognised selector' is that method invocation is implemented by a message sending mechanism. The part of the message that contains the method name is called the selector.