As discussed here, C# doesn\'t support generic attribute declaration. So, I\'m not allowed to do something like:
[Audit (UserAction.Update)]
You have at least these three possibilities:
method in your repository that is not generic.You could use reflection to load by id:
public class AuditAttribute : Attribute
public AuditAttribute(Type t)
this.Type = t;
public Type Type { get; set; }
public void DoSomething()
//type is not Entity
if (!typeof(Entity).IsAssignableFrom(Type))
throw new Exception();
int _id;
IRepository myRepository = new Repository();
MethodInfo loadByIdMethod = myRepository.GetType().GetMethod("LoadById");
MethodInfo methodWithTypeArgument = loadByIdMethod.MakeGenericMethod(this.Type);
Entity myEntity = (Entity)methodWithTypeArgument.Invoke(myRepository, new object[] { _id });
You could use reflection to invoke the LoadById method. The following msdn article should point you in the right direction: