Here is my podfile I use in the project:
source \'\'
platform :ios, \'9.0\'
pod \'AFNetworking\', \'~&
One of the reasons CocoaPods won't pick up the latest version of the pod could be another dependency that required an earlier version.
For example, suppose the latest version of PodA is 2.6 and you have this in your Podfile:
pod 'PodA', '~> 2.0'
pod 'PodB'
Unbeknown to you, PodB has the following dependency: "PodA": "~> 2.5.4"
When CocoaPods tries to satisfy the dependencies, it will reject version 2.6 of PodA because it fails to satisfy the stronger dependency constraint on PodB.
One way to troubleshoot this is to ask CocoaPods to print the internal dependency graph debugging information by setting the following environment variable prior to running "pod update"
$ pod update
in terminal type this command, call update all pod to new version