I have a website running as a web app on a dedicated Azure plan. It connects to a Redis, SQL Azure and a MongoDB backend. The website has been running fine for weeks no
I faced this issue because I added to the web app a path mapping and new application. The new asp.net core application had different versions of the dependencies which it shared with the existing one.
Something about that was causing neither of them to be able to run. When I synchronized my dependencies between projects, all the applications on my app service began working correctly again.
I was getting the same error in the last few weeks. To fix that i deleted my website from azure and i redeployed using a different name. I know it is weird but when i deleted from azure and redeployed using the same name i got the same error again.
Indeed, it does limit the amount of sockets. As far as I know, this isn't documented anywhere official. I do, however, have a blog post on this here: http://www.freekpaans.nl/2015/08/starving-outgoing-connections-on-windows-azure-web-sites/