How can I set focus on an input by (click) event? I have this function in place but I\'m clearly missing something (angular newbie here)
sTbState: string = \
try this.
//on .html file
<button (click)=keyDownFunction($event)>click me</button>
// on .ts file
// navigate to form elements automatically.
keyDownFunction(event) {
// specify the range of elements to navigate
let maxElement = 4;
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
// specify first the parent of container of elements
let container = document.getElementsByClassName("myForm")[0];
// get the last index from the current element.
let lastIndex = event.srcElement.tabIndex ;
for (let i=0; i<maxElement; i++) {
// element name must not equal to itself during loop.
if (container[i].id !== &&
lastIndex < i) {
lastIndex = i;
const tmp = document.getElementById(container[i].id);
(tmp as HTMLInputElement).select();
return true;
try this :
in you HTML file:
<button type="button" (click)="toggleSt($event, toFocus)">Focus</button>
<!-- Input to focus -->
<input #toFocus>
in your ts File :
sTbState: string = 'invisible';
toggleSt(e, el) {
this.sTbState = (this.sTbState === 'invisible' ? 'visible' : 'invisible');
if (this.sTbState === 'visible') {
You can use the @ViewChild
decorator for this. Documentation is at
Here's a working plnkr:
This gist of the code comes down to, giving a name to your input element and wiring up a click event in your template.
<input #myInput />
<button (click)="focusInput()">Click</button>
In your component, implement @ViewChild
or @ViewChildren
to search for the element(s), then implement the click handler to perform the function you need.
export class App implements AfterViewInit {
@ViewChild("myInput") inputEl: ElementRef;
focusInput() {
Now, click on the button and then the blinking caret will appear inside the input field. Use of ElementRef
is not recommended as a security risk,
like XSS attacks ( and because it results in less-portable components.
Also beware that, the inputEl
variable will be first available, when ngAfterViewInit
event fires.
Get input element as native elements in ts file.
<input #focusTrg />
<button (click)="onSetFocus()">Set Focus</button>
@ViewChild("focusTrg") trgFocusEl: ElementRef;
onSetFocus() {
we need to put this.trgFocusEl.nativeElement.focus();
in setTimeout()
then it'll work fine otherwise it will throw undefined error.