Haskell Pattern Matching on the Empty Set

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伪装坚强ぢ 2021-01-07 20:49

I\'m changing some Haskell code from using lists to sets. I understand everything required, I think, but I\'m not sure how to pattern match on sets. Lists have this nice lit

  • 2021-01-07 20:55

    Well, you can't.

    Set is an abstract data type[0] that deliberately hides its internal representation, primarily to maintain invariants of the data structure that can't be statically-enforced by the type system (specifically, the standard library Data.Set.Set is a binary search tree).

    Losing the ability to pattern match on an abstract data type is an unpleasant bit of collateral damage, but oh well. Your options are roughly:

    • Use boolean predicates and guards, e.g. null, as in trinithis's answer.
    • Convert the Set to a list. Most of the time this is silly but if you want to iterate through the set anyway, it works well enough.
    • Enable GHC's ViewPatterns extension, which provides syntactic sugar for using accessor functions where a pattern match would normally go.
    • Avoid making these sort of checks in the first place--if you have a Set, treat it like a set, and work with it as a whole for mapping, filtering, etc. Not always possible, but can lead to cleaner code with fewer explicit conditionals/iterations.

    View patterns would let you write something that looks like this:

    foo (setView -> EmptySet) = []
    foo (setView -> NonEmpty set) = other_thing

    ...where setView is a function you write. Not really much of a gain here, but can be nice for more complex pseudo-patterns

    For avoiding explicit checks, besides well-known set operations such as union and intersection, consider making use of the filter, partition, map, and fold functions in Data.Set.

    [0]: See this paper (warning: PDF) for the definition of the term as I'm using it.

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  • 2021-01-07 21:12
    import qualified Data.Set as Set
    foo set
      | Set.null set = bar
      | otherwise = baz
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