I have a project created by others that includes thousands of class files and has the package names explicitly typed out for every reference to any of their classes. It look
I had the same problem with axis generated files, and I wrote a small groovy script to do this. I doesn't do everything (you have to use organize imports in eclipse after you run it), and I haven't tested it very well, so use it carefully. It's also limited to lowercase package names and camel-cased class names, but it may be a good starting point
def replaceExplicitPackageNamesInFile(File javaFile){
eol = org.codehaus.groovy.tools.Utilities.eol()
newFile = ""
explicitImportExpr = /([^\w])(([a-z0-9]+\.)+)([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+)/
imports = ""
javaFile.eachLine {
line = it.replaceAll(explicitImportExpr, {
Object [] match ->
imports += "import ${match[2]+match[-1]};${eol}"
newFile += line+"${eol}"
newFile2 = ""
newFile.eachLine { line ->
newFile2 +=
line.replaceAll(/(^\s*package.*$)/, {
Object [] match ->
match[0] + eol + imports
} ) + eol
def replaceExplicitPackageNamesInDir(File dir){
dir.eachFileRecurse {
if (it.isFile() && it.name ==~ /.*\.java\z/){
println "Processing ${it.absolutePath - dir.absolutePath}"
You probably need to replace all javax.swing.
. Then do organize imports.
I have been able to remove all explicit package names in interfaces by running the sed command below on target files, then by reorganize imports in eclipse:
sed -e 's/java\.[^ ]*\.//g;s/com\.[^ ]*\.//g'
This thread says:
select the package explorer view, right click on your project, choose source then organise imports. Bobs your uncle - all unwanted imports are removed
To make it better formatted:
Right click project > Source > Organize imports
Now, what remains, is to find a way to strip the fully-qualified names from the code. You may think of some regular expression. Take a look at this library - it seems helpful. This article should also be useful.
I use an Eclipse plugin by Michael Ernst that does what you want. It converts references such as java.util.Collection
to Collection
with the addition of an import java.util.Collection;
at the top of the file.
It is effectively the same thing as using "Source -> Add Import" for a fully-qualified reference except that it lets you do it for an entire .java file at once.
Even better, it lets you batch-process all the .java files you have selected in the Package Explorer. Simply right-click on the selection and select "Source -> Clean qualified Type Declarations" form the contextual menu.
Eclipse update site: http://cqtp.sourceforge.net/eclipse/
IntelliJ Idea has tools to do this on a per-file basis. You can probably also do it in bulk, but I don't know how.
Try out a 30 day evaluation and you'll probably be pleased by more than the import cleanup features.